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Upstairs Studio
- Large light table (40” x 50”)
- Large paper prep table (48” x 78”)
- Drying rack (42” x 52”)
- Digital suite
Screen Printing
- 10 screen printing stations w/ hinge clamps
- Screen washout sink
- Selection of squeegees (8”-21”)
Digital Suite
- 44 inch wide Canon Pro 4100 inkjet printer
- archival inks & paper
- 6 iMacs
- Adobe Photoshop CC on all iMacs
- Adobe full Creative Cloud on 2 iMacs
- Imacon Flextight Precision II scanner
- Epson Perfection 4990 legal-sized flatbed scanner for reflective material, film, slides, and transparencies
- Epson Expression 12000XL A3-sized flatbed scanner for reflective material.
- B&W laser printer

Downstairs Studio
- Dilution ventilation system
- Emergency eyewash station
- Ink cleanup bin w/ low odour solvent
- Glass-top tables for inking
- Paper Prep table w/ cutting mat
- Assorted brayers, rollers and small utilities
- Steel paper soaking sink (24” x 48”)
- Drying rack (42” x 52”)
Intaglio / Relief
- Etching bath room w/ dedicated sink
- 1 large Charles Brand press (40” x 60”)
- 3 small Hamill presses (24” x 48”)
- Portable tabletop press (11” x 19”)
- Hot plate (24” x 36”)
- Electric shear for metal plates
- 2 litho presses
- Selection of scraper bars
- Graining table w/ 2 levigators
- Leather litho rollers
- Several rubber litho rollers
- Selection of litho stones (8+ small; 3+ large)
- Electric stone lift
Screen Printing
- Safelight darkroom for screen emulsion prep
- Nuarc Tri Light Metal-Halide UV screen exposure unit w/ vacuum table (max. 40” x 60”)
- Nuarc First Light UV Fluorescent screen exposure unit w/ vacuum table (max. 24” x 32”)
- Screen washout area w/ pressure washer
- Large one-arm screen table (48” x 65”)
- Smaller one-arm vacuum screen table (36” x 45”)
- Medium Craftsmen platen letterpress (6.5″ x 10”)
- Small Adana HS platen letterpress (3.5″ x 5”)
- 3 Line-O-Scribe sign presses (14” width, various lengths)
- Vandercook roller proof press
- 3 cabinets of various type and image cuts