Martha Street Studio Pet Projects – Print Exchange

Summer/Fall 2022

Please join us for the MSS Pet Projects – Print Exchange!

Deadline Extended: October 29th, 2022

Each participant will receive 5 new prints in the mail made by fellow printmakers. If you are interested in participating, email your name and address to: with the subject line: MSS Pet Projects – Print Exchange

Participants are asked to create an edition of at least 6 prints, paper size no larger than 8½ x11”, using at least one traditional printmaking technique. Martha Street Studio will take care of the distribution of the exchange so that everyone receives 5 prints by other artists. The sixth print will be kept in our print archive.

The theme is Pet Projects, so show us your favourite furry friend, a feathered companion, a scaly sidekick, or go totally wild and share a print project you’ve been fine-tuning for ages. Any unfettered interpretation of the theme is strongly recommended! This exchange is open to any and all members of Martha Street Studio – If you are not currently a member you may purchase/renew your membership in the studio, or online here: Martha Street Studio Membership

The due date for print submissions has been extended to October 29th, 2022 (if your address is outside the city of Winnipeg, your submission will be accepted late provided it is postmarked October 29th). You should receive your collection of 5 prints by the end of November, 2022. 

Please make sure that you have read and followed the guidelines posted below before submitting your print edition. If you have any queries please email: for clarification. 



Deadline: Finished Prints must be submitted to MSS by October 1st, 5 pm 

MSS Members Print Exchange 2022 Guidelines 

Submissions to the MSS Members Print Exchange must comply with all guidelines. Any edition that fails to meet one or more of the guidelines will be returned to the printmaker with an accompanying explanation. All prints will be packed in a standard envelope and delivered by regular mail to participants. 

Please make sure that you have read and followed the guidelines before submitting your print edition. If you have any queries please email for clarification. 

Members Print Exchange Guidelines 

1. Original Work 

2. Theme : Pet Projects 

3. Membership 


All work submitted must be created specifically for the MSS print exchange and you must own the intellectual property rights for all images submitted. 


This theme should be interpreted broadly to encompass anything the artist feels. The theme is not mandatory; if you aren’t feeling it, don’t use it. 

You must have a current MSS Membership to participate. You may purchase or renew before submitting at
Please direct any membership inquiries to 

  1. Paper Sized
    Your paper must be no larger than 8×10”. Measure twice, tear once. Prints must be able to fit in a standard-mail 8.5 x 11” envelope. 
  2. Edition Size
    A minimum of Six (6) prints, one of which will be retained by MSS for our Print Archive. Editions may be larger, please send the first 6 in the edition for the exchange. 

Print Medium

  1. All submissions must be created using an editionable* print technique only. Each print must contain at least one traditional print technique. All work must be 2 dimensional only. Please ensure that your prints are made using high quality printmaking materials, acid-free paper, and archival inks
  2. Signing and Editioning 
    All prints must be signed, editioned, and dated. This may be on the front or back of the print. 
  3. Paper Selection
    All prints must be printed on high quality* paper acid free paper appropriate to the print medium. 
  4. Print Presentation
    Each print must be fully dry and individually protected by glassine paper if heavily inked or prone to scuffing/transfer. 

10. Submission Deadline

October 1st, 2022, 5pm – SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITH NOTICE for mailed submissions, a post-mark of October 1st  will be accepted 


11. Submission Form

Please complete the submission form at the end of the guidelines and include it with your finished edition. 

How To Submit Your Edition:
Please ensure you have clearly labelled your prints with your name and title In person submissions 

To submit your prints in person please contact staff at MSS to arrange drop off at the studio, or a curb-side exchange, Tuesday to Friday, 11-4pm 

Mail-in submissions
All submissions mailed from outside of Winnipeg must be postmarked no later than October 1st, 2022. Please post all submissions to: 

Martha Street Studio
11 Martha Street, Winnipeg, MB R3B 1A2 

Martha Street Studio Pet Projects – Print Exchange Submission Form 


Artist Bio
Social Media contact (optional):
Would you like your social media handles shared? (circle one) Short Bio (optional): 

Edition Information Title:

Year: Edition size: 

Y or N 

March 1, 2025