Free Youth Programs

Youth Outreach Program

The Youth Outreach Program is an exciting FREE after school printmaking program for youth between the ages of 16 and 25*. The Youth Outreach Program is comprised of 24 classes over 12 weeks and is taught by professional artists. A variety of printmaking techniques including screen print, intaglio and relief printing, as well as basic colour theory and composition are explored.

Participants attend on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Information about the program is disseminated throughout Winnipeg High Schools and community groups with a focus placed on those in underserved communities. We recognize the need to provide positive activities for youth in a safe environment and to promote the art of printmaking to a younger audience.

All of the processes taught in the program require varying levels of physicality.  If you have concerns around the accessibility of our programs, please call or email so that we can discuss ways we can support you.

The Youth Outreach Program could not be made possible without the continued investment of the Graham C. Lount Family Foundation and the Province of Manitoba.

*If you fall outside the age range and are from an equity deserving community, please contact us at

We are now accepting applications to the Spring 2025 Youth Outreach Program!

The Spring 2025 Youth Outreach Program will run from Tuesday April 8 to Thursday June 26, from 5-8pm. If you have any questions, please email

The program runs on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5-8pm. Participants must be able to attend both evenings.

If you have any questions please email


INKubator Program

INKubator allows for participants to continue to be involved with, and working at, Martha Street Studio upon graduation from the Youth Outreach Program. INKubator challenges emerging artists to originate an idea for a project and to present it in a written proposal. Project proposals are juried by a committee made up of instructors and staff. The chosen participants then work under the supervision of instructors, over the course of 14 weeks, to realize their project with supplied materials.  The participants are given access to the studio and encouraged to work independently as well. This supported independence helps the participants develop time-management skills, problem solving skills and a strong work ethic. Twice during the program, professional artists are hired to deliver critiques. In this way INKubator prepares participants to be critical thinkers and creative professionals.

INKubator takes the Youth Outreach Program participants to new levels of development, and helps them to explore future educational and career pathways. This, in turn, prepares them for a future in which creative thinkers can shape communities.